Why the white tail? A curious question for Country Life, in which I examine scuts, rumps and rears and wonder why so many animals have such obviously flashy appendages. Continue reading
The Collector Flashes of beauty in the writing of this dark and highly influential tale of obsession. Continue reading
Tripping the light fantastic – in Country Life Five glorious pages in Country Life magazine Continue reading
The Blessed Bramble Singing the praises of the humble bramble in July's Scottish Field. Continue reading
Red, red, rose Thirteen ways to see a rose. Just for fun: a storyboard and voiceover script. Continue reading
Walking with the Colonel: the d’Arcy Dalton Way The evening sun was yawing down the Ridgeway as we approached Wayland’s Smithy. It was the shortest day of the year and we’d walked 66 miles to be here. Continue reading
Who grew your jumper? With 33 million sheep, it can’t be that hard to find a 100% British grown and made jumper. Or can it? Continue reading
The women’s quarters History is revealed by crumbling brick courses and corrugated iron poking from willowherb-strewn rubble. Continue reading
Broadway twilight The man takes a step back, and looks again at the girls amid the flowers. Continue reading
The blessed bramble Every thorn is picked out, every drupelet of blackberry shines. In Scotland the ‘blessed bramble’ had amazing healing properties. Continue reading